===== Joining SpaceFarmers as a new user ======
Before you can join the pool, you'll need to have:
* Chia v1.3+.
* A wallet with at least a few Mojos for joining the pool. You can get free Mojos at https://faucet.chia.net/
- Go to the Pool's tab
- Click 'Join a pool'
- Select 'Connect to pool'
- Enter the following URL in the URL field: https://xch.spacefarmers.io
{{:poolinfo:join:join_pool.png?800|Creating a pool contract with Spacefarmers}}
After verifying the details you can click "Create" to join the pool. It can take up to 2 minutes before the pool contract is created.
Use the following command to create a plot nft for SpaceFarmers.io:
chia plotnft create -u https://xch.spacefarmers.io -s pool
You can check the status of your plot nft by using: chia plotnft show
====Create pool plots====
You can now create pool plots with your prefered [[guides:plotting|plotter]] to grow your space with us!
For more information on pooling visit https://github.com/Chia-Network/chia-blockchain/wiki/Pooling-User-Guide#additional-information