~~NOTOC~~ ===== SpaceFarmers Wiki ===== Welcome to the [[https://spacefarmers.io/|Spacefarmers.io]] wiki. Here you will find all the information you need regarding our pool, setting up and improving your system, the general Chia Network and it's ecosystem. The SpaceFarmers wiki is maintained **by** the community, **for** the community. Find out how to [[contribute|contribute]]! Below is a list of topics you can expect on this wiki. Still can't find the answer to your question? Join our [[https://discord.gg/EgnjUCnCCt|discord server]] and we will be at your disposal. ====Pool Info==== * [[poolinfo:join:|Joining SpaceFarmers]] * [[poolinfo:rewards|Reward distribution]] * [[poolinfo:minpay|Minimum pay-out]] * [[poolinfo:fees|Fees]] * [[poolinfo:dashboard|My Dashboard]] * [[poolinfo:releaselogs:|Pool updates (release logs)]] * [[poolinfo:community_node|Community Node]] ==== Chia Ecosystem ==== * [[ecosystem:wallets|Chia Wallets]] * [[ecosystem:walletconnect|WalletConnect]] * [[guides:security:coldwallet|Setting up a cold wallet]] * [[guides:timelord:bluebox|Running a bluebox timelord]] * [[ecosystem:payment|Payments]] * [[guides:forks|Chia Forks]] * [[network:chianetwork:mojo|Chia and its denominations]] ====Farming Guides==== * [[guides:quickstart|Quick start]] * [[guides:farming:debug_log|The debug log]] * [[guides/farming/chia_autostart_linux|Chia Autostart (Linux)]] * [[guides/farming/chia_autostart_windows|Chia Autostart (Windows)]] * [[guides:farming:movedb|Move the Chia db]] * [[guides:farming:backupdb|Backup the Chia db]] * [[guides:farming:upgradedb| Upgrade the Chia db]] ==== Plotting Guides ==== *[[guides:plotting:madmaxlinux|MadMax for Linux]] *[[guides:plotting:madmaxwindows|MadMax for Windows]] *[[guides:plotting:stockplottergui| Poolplots with the GUI]] *[[guides:plotting:stockplotterlinuxcli| Poolplots with Linux CLI]] *[[guides:plotting:plotmanlinux| Automated plotting on Linux with Plotman]] *[[guides/plotting/stalesnomore|Avoid Stales During Copy]] *[[guides:plotting:tradeoff|Space-Time Trade-offs]] ==== Other resources ==== Besides the information above, this wiki will provide you with multiple tools, such as: * [[resources:apidocs|API documentation]] * [[resources:tools|Tools]] | Tool | Description | |[[resources:tools:logtool|Harvest Inspector]] | The harvest inspector is a great tool to visualize how efficient you're farming. Upload your log and this tool will tell you how to be a better farmer!| | [[resources:tools:capacity|Capacity Calculator]]| Optimize your drive to it's maximum capacity! |