Table of Contents

Chia wallet corruption

Sometimes your wallet might get corrupted. Even though your wallet is synced, you may not see any XCH in your wallet or the displayed amount may be incorrect. This issue can also invalidate your pool NFT, potentially causing you to pool at the wrong pool or even self-pool unintentionally.

Reset your wallet (using Chia 1.8.0 or newer)


  1. Open the Chia GUI and go to Settings
  2. Go to the tab Advanced
  3. Under the section “Resync Wallet”, click on resync
  4. Restart the application and wait for the wallet to sync


  1. Run
    chia wallet show
  2. Note the fingerprint of the wallet your want to resync
  3. Stop Chia by using:
    chia stop all -d
  4. Open the Chia config.yaml
  5. Find or add the following section and add the fingerprint ID from step 1
      reset_sync_for_fingerprint: [insert fingerprint here]
  6. Start your Chia application and wait for the wallet to sync

Reset your wallet (using older Chia versions)


  1. Stop the Chia wallet
    • Windows: Close GUI
    • Linux: chia stop wallet
  2. Find your Chia wallet database directory:
    • Windows (default): %USERPROFILE%\.chia\mainnet\wallet\db
    • Linux (default): ~\.chia\mainnet\wallet\db
  3. Move or delete all files with this format: blockchain_wallet_v2_r1_mainnet_########.sqlite
  4. Start the Chia wallet
    • Windows: Start GUI
    • Linux: chia start wallet
  5. Wait a few minutes to let your wallet resync