Farming Madmax Gigahorse-compressed pool plots is fully supported on Chia pool!
this page is still under construction
It is now possible to plot and farm “compressed” plots. These plots make use of a trade-off between Proof of Space and some compute: the higher the compression level, the more compute is required to generate the missing proofs on the fly.
Although compressed plots require more electricity (and, potentially, a GPU) to be farmed than uncompressed pool plots, they are economical up until certain compression levels. Do note that because of the development work that went into this, the proprietary Gigahorse farmer from Madmax levies a dev fee of 3.125 % for GPU-farmed plots and 1.562 % for CPU-farmed plots (plus potentially some transaction fee revenue).
In this guide you will learn how to create pool plots for Windows using MadMax' proprietary Gigahorse plotter.
Good to know: Gigahorse-compressed plots are already compatible with Chia pooling. However if you do not want to pay the development fee and can wait a bit longer, Chia Network's open source Bladebit CUDA plotter will also allow you to create compressed plots. As of 2023-02, Bladebit CUDA-compressed plots are, however, not yet farmable!
install Sourcetree
Clone Gigahorse repository
Warning: Even though MadMax is a renowned community developer, this software is closed source, which means the community can not inspect it for unsafe code. As with all third party software, we can therefore not endorse it or guarantee it's safety.
Tip: It's highly recommended to create a new plotfNFT for the gigaplots, as it allows you to set a difficulty specific to these plots.
cd into the correct dir
.\cuda_plot_k32.exe -C 5 -n 1 -M 256 -t D:\ -d D:\ -f <your farmer key> -c <your pool contract key>
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