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poolinfo:migrating_from_flexpool [2023/09/28 07:30] – [Step-by-step Guide] earlpoolinfo:migrating_from_flexpool [2024/03/20 16:00] (current) – [Step-by-step Guide] Update to recent multi-node farmer config changes earl
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 ==== Step-by-step Guide ==== ==== Step-by-step Guide ====
-The following is a step-by-step guide for migrating from farming Gigahorse-compressed plots with Flexfarmer on Flexpool to farming the same plots with the Gigahorse farmer and the Community Node on SpaceFarmers.+Here are step by step instructions for migrating from farming Gigahorse-compressed plots with Flexfarmer on Flexpool to farming the same plots with the Gigahorse farmer and the Community Node on SpaceFarmers.
-NB: If you use the Community Node, neither wallet nor farmer require a local full node or a local synced blockchain database. But you can also just use the community node for initial migration until you have fully synced your own local node.+If you use the Community Node, neither wallet nor farmer require a local full node or a local synced blockchain database. But you can also just use the community node for initial migration until you have fully synced your own local node.
 +Finally, note that the following instructions assume Linux. If you are using Windows, use ''.\chia.exe'' instead of ''./chia.bin'', and use ''%USERPROFILE%\.chia'' instead of ''~/.chia'' in paths.
 +  - The following packages are needed to run on Linux: ''sudo apt install ocl-icd-libopencl1''
   - Download and extract the [[|Gigahorse farmer]].   - Download and extract the [[|Gigahorse farmer]].
-  - Open a command-line and change into the directory you extracted the farmer to.+  - Open a command line and change into the directory you extracted the farmer to. 
 +  - Initiate Chia by using: ''./chia.bin init''
   - Add your keys via your 24-word mnemonic: ''./chia.bin keys add''   - Add your keys via your 24-word mnemonic: ''./chia.bin keys add''
-  - Start the wallet and let it sync: ''./chia.bin start wallet''. Check wallet sync state with ''./chia.bin wallet show''.+  - Start the farmer and walletand let the wallet sync: ''./chia.bin start farmer-only wallet''. Check wallet sync state with ''./chia.bin wallet show''.
   - Once the wallet's synced, switch pools:   - Once the wallet's synced, switch pools:
-    - Run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' to get plotnft //wallet id//.\+    - Run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' to get plotnft //wallet id//.
     - Then run ''./chia.bin plotnft join -i <wallet_id> -u'' to switch.     - Then run ''./chia.bin plotnft join -i <wallet_id> -u'' to switch.
-    - After you confirmed the switch, the program will tell you a ''chia wallet get_transaction'' command you can use to watch the transaction for switching pools. Run that multiple times, until you see ''Status: Confirmed''.+    - After you confirm the switch, the program will tell you a ''chia wallet get_transaction'' command you can use to watch the transaction for switching pools. Run that multiple times, until you see ''Status: Confirmed''.
     - After the transaction was confirmed, run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' again, and observe that the plotnft you are switching is now in ''Current state: LEAVING_POOL''.     - After the transaction was confirmed, run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' again, and observe that the plotnft you are switching is now in ''Current state: LEAVING_POOL''.
     - The switch will take ~20 minutes to complete. Once switching successfully completed, ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' will show ''Current state: FARMING_TO_POOL'' and ''Current pool URL:''.     - The switch will take ~20 minutes to complete. Once switching successfully completed, ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' will show ''Current state: FARMING_TO_POOL'' and ''Current pool URL:''.
     - Only proceed once your plotnft is switched, as the community node won't accept connections from farmers not on our pool.     - Only proceed once your plotnft is switched, as the community node won't accept connections from farmers not on our pool.
-  - Once your plotnft is switched, change ''~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml'' to use our Gigahorse community node. (TODOdetails)+  - Once your plotnft is switched, stop the farmer: ''./chia.bin stop farmer-only''
 +  - Change ''~/.chia/mainnet/config/config.yaml'' to use our Gigahorse community node. Search for the following section:<code>farmer: 
 +  full_node_peers: 
 +    - host: localhost 
 +      port: 8444</code> and change it to:<code>farmer: 
 +  full_node_peers: 
 +    - host: 
 +      port: 18445</code>
   - Tell the harvester where to find your plots: ''./chia.bin plots add -d /path/to/plots''   - Tell the harvester where to find your plots: ''./chia.bin plots add -d /path/to/plots''
   - Start farmer and harvester to actually farm plots: ''./chia.bin start farmer-only harvester''. NB: If you have a large amount of plots, the Gigaghorse harvester will initially take a while to read all plots.   - Start farmer and harvester to actually farm plots: ''./chia.bin start farmer-only harvester''. NB: If you have a large amount of plots, the Gigaghorse harvester will initially take a while to read all plots.
-  - Run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' again to get your plotnft's launcher id. With that, run ''./chia.bin plotnft get_login_link -l <launcher_id>'' to get a URL to login in to our Web Dashboard.+  - Run ''./chia.bin plotnft show'' again to get your plotnft's launcher id. With that, run ''./chia.bin plotnft get_login_link -l <launcher_id>'' to get a URL to log into our Web Dashboard.
   - Watch ''~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log'' for errors and/or farming activity. Watch the "partials" tab for your farmer in our dashboard for successful partial submission. It typically takes 3-20 minutes once the plotnft is switched and the farmer & harvester are running for the first partial to show up.   - Watch ''~/.chia/mainnet/log/debug.log'' for errors and/or farming activity. Watch the "partials" tab for your farmer in our dashboard for successful partial submission. It typically takes 3-20 minutes once the plotnft is switched and the farmer & harvester are running for the first partial to show up.
   - Welcome to pooling at!   - Welcome to pooling at!
   - Optional: stop the wallet again, as you don't need it running to farm: ''./chia.bin stop wallet''. For pooling, the wallet is only necessary to switch your plotnft and sync the pool config.   - Optional: stop the wallet again, as you don't need it running to farm: ''./chia.bin stop wallet''. For pooling, the wallet is only necessary to switch your plotnft and sync the pool config.
 +<WRAP center round info 60%><color #000000>If you farm with a remote node like the community node, be aware that ''./chia.bin farm summary'' will always output a few error messages like //"Connection error. Check if full node rpc is running"// or //"Farming status: Not available"//. This is normal for farming with a remote node and nothing to worry about.</color></WRAP>
poolinfo/migrating_from_flexpool.1695886223.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/09/28 07:30 by earl

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