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Finding the missing farmer reward (0.25 XCH)

It is good to know that the pool does not distribute the 0.25 XCH farmer reward. Instead, it is sent by your farm to the address configured in the configuration file. There are several reasons why you might not be able to see the reward:

  • If you are using the Gigahorse farmer, there is a chance (12.5% when using CPU, 25% when using GPU) that your reward was used as a developer fee for MadMax. Unfortunately, you have no control over this. Occasionally, farmers experience bad luck, and multiple rewards in a row are taken as fees.
  • If you have added multiple mnemonics (24-word keys) to the same Chia application, sometimes they can overwrite your configured address and replace it with the address associated with the other mnemonics. Consider any old, backup, or cold wallet you might have set up in the past, as it is possible that the reward was sent there.
  • Certain pools change the farmer reward address when you are required to use non-official software to pool with them. If you have used such pools in the past, make sure that the address configured actually belongs to your wallet.
  • It is also possible that your Chia wallet is out of sync or has become corrupted. You can try resyncing your wallet to see if it reveals the missing transaction(s). Follow the guide on resetting your wallet for assistance with this.

Changing the reward address

In the graphical user interface (GUI), you can change the reward address by accessing the farmers tab and clicking on the three dots in the top right corner.

If you are using the command-line interface (CLI), the reward address can be found in the config.yaml file. Look for the following section:

  xch_target_address: xch1.......

Payout Schema

				                    Chia Plot
                 OG Plot								   Plot NFT
		    |					       ________________________________|____________
		    |					Self Pooling					Joined Pool
		    |		             _______________|_____________ __________________________________|________
 		    |			    Stock format		Giga					Stock format
		    |			      |		        	   |					         |
		    |			      |			           |					         |
		    |	         	      |			           |					         |
		    |		         _____|__________________ _________|__________			         ________|_______
               Full reward	    Block reward	     Pool reward	Block reward		Pool reward	     Block reward
		    |		         |		         |	            |		                 |	            |
		    |		         |		         |	            |			         |	            |
		    |		         |		         |          ________|_______	                 |	            |               
              Farmer Wallet	   Farmer Wallet	    Pool Wallet  Farmer Wallet	Max Wallet	   Pool Wallet	      Farmer Wallet
guides/farming/missing_farmer_reward.1701254304.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/11/29 10:38 by vleesbanaan

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