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How to move the Chia db to another folder

While the Chia blockchain data is still relatively small in this early stage, it will continue to grow. At some point you may want to move the files to another folder. In this guide, you will learn how to change the location of your Chia blockchain data. It is also possible to move the wallet data in the same way.

  1. Make sure you stop all Chia processes first
  2. Locate the data that you want to move. First, you need to navigate to the path where the blockchain and wallet data are stored. By default, this is: C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\.chia\mainnet\.
  3. Copy the folders “db” and “wallet” and paste them in the location you want to store them, for example D:\Chia_Blockchain
  4. Then, go back to your Chia folder C:\Users\<YOURUSERNAME>\.chia\mainnet\ and navigate to the “config” folder. Here you will find the config.yaml file. Open it with your favorite text editor and change the following entries:
File you want to moveconfig.yaml entry From: To:
Blockchain data(under full_node:) database_path: db/blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite D:/Chia_Blockchain/db/blockchain_v1_CHALLENGE.sqlite
Blockchain peer tablepeer_db_path: db/peer_table_node.sqlite D:/Chia_Blockchain/db/peer_table_node.sqlite
Wallet data(under wallet:) database_path: wallet/db/blockchain_wallet_v1_CHALLENGE_KEY.sqliteD:/Chia_Blockchain/wallet/db/blockchain_wallet_v1_CHALLENGE_KEY.sqlite
Wallet peer tablewallet_peers_path: wallet/db/wallet_peers.sqlite D:/Chia_Blockchain/wallet/db/wallet_peers.sqlite

Changes are made using our example path D:\Chia_Blockchain, but ofcourse you can replace this with whichever path you want to store your db files. It is recommended that you run the db and wallet of an SSD.


It should be noted that the blockchain file is a bit larger than currently necessary. This is because the Timelord focusses on creating the proof of time that moves the chain forward as fast as possible, but does not optimize for the smallest possible proof of Time. Bluebox Timelords fulfill this duty; they ex post scan the blockchain to see if there are any uncompressed proofs out there, which it then compactifies and gossips around the whole network. This helps reduce the size of the db. Check out, a cool website that tracks the blockchain size and the % of compactified blocks to learn the state of compactification.

guides/farming/movedb.1637480593.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/11/21 07:43 by vleesbanaan

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