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MadMax Plotter Windows

  1. Extract the zip to your preferred directory
  2. Open Command Prompt (cmd) / PowerShell
  3. Navigate to the extracted directory
  4. You can now plot pool plots. Use the -c parameter to plot with your pool wallet (P2 singleton address)

example given: .\chia_plot.exe -t C:\TempDir\ -d C:\FinalDir\ -c P2_SINGLETON_ADDRESS -f FARMER_PUBLIC_KEY


chia_plot [OPTION...]
  1. k, - -size arg K size (default = 32, k ⇐ 32)
  2. x, - -port arg Network port (default = 8444, chives = 9699)
  3. n, - -count arg Number of plots to create (default = 1, -1 = infinite)
  4. r, - -threads arg Number of threads (default = 4)
  5. u, - -buckets arg Number of buckets (default = 256)
  6. v, - -buckets3 arg Number of buckets for phase 3+4 (default = buckets)
  7. t, - -tmpdir arg Temporary directory, needs ~220 GiB (default = $PWD)
  8. 2, - -tmpdir2 arg Temporary directory 2, needs ~110 GiB [RAM] (default = <tmpdir>)
  9. d, - -finaldir arg Final directory (default = <tmpdir>)
  10. w, - -waitforcopy Wait for copy to start next plot
  11. p, - -poolkey arg Pool Public Key (48 bytes)
  12. c, - -contract arg Pool Contract Address (62 chars)
  13. f, - -farmerkey arg Farmer Public Key (48 bytes)
  14. G, - -tmptoggle Alternate tmpdir/tmpdir2 (default = false)
  15. K, - -rmulti2 arg Thread multiplier for P2 (default = 1)
    1. -help Print help
guides/plotting/madmaxwindows.1630997463.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/07 06:51 by spacefarmer01

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