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MadMax Plotter for Windows

  1. Extract the zip file to your preferred directory
  2. Open Command Prompt (cmd) / PowerShell
  3. Navigate to the extracted directory (from step 2)
  4. You can now plot pool plots. Use the -c parameter to plot with your pool wallet (P2 singleton address)

For example:

.\chia_plot.exe -t C:\TempDir\ -d C:\FinalDir\ -c P2_SINGLETON_ADDRESS -f FARMER_PUBLIC_KEY


chia_plot.exe [OPTION...]
. -k, --size arg       K size (default = 32, k <= 32)
. -x, --port arg       Network port (default = 8444, chives = 9699)
. -n, --count arg      Number of plots to create (default = 1, -1 = infinite)
. -r, --threads arg    Number of threads (default = 4)
. -u, --buckets arg    Number of buckets (default = 256)
. -v, --buckets3 arg   Number of buckets for phase 3+4 (default = buckets)
. -t, --tmpdir arg     Temporary directory, needs ~220 GiB (default = $PWD)
. -2, --tmpdir2 arg    Temporary directory 2, needs ~110 GiB [RAM] (default = <tmpdir>)
. -d, --finaldir arg   Final directory (default = <tmpdir>)
. -w, --waitforcopy    Wait for copy to start next plot
. -p, --poolkey arg    Pool Public Key (48 bytes)
. -c, --contract arg   Pool Contract Address (62 chars)
. -f, --farmerkey arg  Farmer Public Key (48 bytes)
. -G, --tmptoggle      Alternate tmpdir/tmpdir2 (default = false)
. -K, --rmulti2 arg    Thread multiplier for P2 (default = 1)
. --help               Print help

Creating RAMdisk

There is a free tool called ImDisk which can create the required RAMdisk if your machine has more than 128GB of RAM. The RAMdisk size should be 110 GiB or 112640 MB. Creating RAMdisk will reduce the wear on your SSD during plotting.

guides/plotting/madmaxwindows.1631026744.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/09/07 14:59 by spacefarmer01

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