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Dashboard - Harvesters

In the Harvesters tab, you can find useful information on your individual harvesters' performance in order to help you improve your farm. Specifically, it shows

  • your last 24h points per harvester,
  • your average time taken per harvester over 24h,
  • your last proof,
  • a timeline of the quality and quantity of your proofs in the last 24h

You can set the name for your harvesters in the settings page.

If you are using docker or machinaris, your harester ID will by default reset on every start up.To prevent this:

Official Docker

  1. On the first run of a harvester, launch of the container with the following environment variables
  • keys set to copy
  • ca mapping a copy of the .chia/mainnet/config/ssl/ca directory of the farmer node

This will create what's needed (?) for the harvester to be authenticated with the farmer node with a chia init -c “ca”

  1. If the communication between the harvester and the farmer is properly established, stop the container, and set keys to persistent.

The harvester ID is now persistent, and will be perserved even when the container is upgraded.


  1. Follow the instructions to run a remote harvester, machinaris automates the step 1 above
  2. Stop the container, edit the docker-compose.yml and add - keys=persistent in the environment section. Rebuild the container (docker compose up -d –force-recreate machinaris), and you're done as above.
poolinfo/dashboard/harvesters.1670629796.txt.gz · Last modified: 2022/12/09 23:49 by vleesbanaan

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