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How do I login?

You can login by using Chia CLI:

chia plotnft get_login_link -l LAUNCHER_ID.

Or by simply using the Chia GUI:

You'll see a link, which you can open / paste in your browser. It will log you in instantly. The login session is valid for 7 days, and extended when you interact with the dashboard, unless your browser settings overrule it. When logged in you can change settings like notification, payouts and farmer name.

Multi-plotNFT Login

If you have multiple plotNFTs with us, if is possible to display them in the dashboard.

Simply log into both plotNFTs using the method above. You can now switch between your farms with a single click!

poolinfo/dashboard/login_help.txt · Last modified: 2023/04/07 17:24 by vleesbanaan

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