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Dashboard - Payouts

The payouts tab allows you to see what your estimated daily earnings and realised earnings are for your farm.

Hold vs Sold

Each farmer may pursue their own strategy when it comes to selling the proceeds of their farming activities. In the dropdown, you can select wether you want to display the $-value of your farmed XCH in terms of the price at the time of farming (Sold) or at the current price (Hold). You can generate a quick overview for multiple timeframes. A more complete overview can be generated with export to CSV.

Export to CSV

A much requested feature.

  1. Select your timeframe and hit export
  2. Use it to do your taxfiling (if applicable)

Payout Batch

By clicking the payout batch number (first column), you will be presented with an overview that allows you to disects further which blocks contributed how much to the given payout batch. Optionally, you can toggle fees, to see your fee contribution per block.

poolinfo/dashboard/payouts.txt · Last modified: 2022/12/27 16:55 by vleesbanaan

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