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What about fees?
Currently the pool doesn't charge any obligatory fees. We do not want to ask you to pay a fee that you think we don't deserve. We do however have to cover some costs for things like running the server, ads and small drops that we have like the bingo.
Therefore we created the option to allow for an optional fee.
Futhermore, those that want to support the pool can donate to:
It will be highly appreciated
Fee changes
In case we will ever charge a fee, it will be according to the following rules:
- Fee changes will be announced on this page and Discord
- Fee changes will be announced 7 days in advance
- Fee changes will will never occur more than once in 28 days
- Fee changes will will never exceed an increase of 0.5%
- Fees apply to all farmers, everyone is equal. We are farmers too.
Refer to fee page for more information about the fees.
poolinfo/fees.1635518337.txt.gz · Last modified: 2021/10/29 14:38 by vleesbanaan