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Table of Contents
Migrating from Flexpool
We're genuinely saddened to see Flexpool cease their services. Flexpool consistently challenged us to elevate our standards in terms of quality and features. To those transitioning from Flexpool, here's a short introduction you to our pool's alternative features:
Community node (Flexfarmer alternative)
Flexfarmer is a great tool to get farming without the need to run your own node. As an alternative, we're hosting community nodes, making it possible for you to utilize just the farmer and harvester components of the official Chia software. This eliminates the need for you to host a node, if you're short on resources.
(Alt)coin swaps
We've recently introduced payouts swaps to BTC and other altcoins. Currently, we offer the option to swap into approximately five different cryptocurrencies.
Our costs and voluntary fees
Our operational costs are very low, and we've implemented a voluntary fee system to sustain our services. Presently, we are not operating at a loss, which assures our sustainability for years to come. We kindly ask you to consider contributing a voluntary fee when joining our pool – your support is greatly appreciated!
If you currently use the official Chia farmer
You can use our regular guide to switch pools: Join
If you currently use the Gigahorse farmer
You can use our regular guide to switch pools: Join – select the CLI variant!
If you currently use Flexfarmer
If you are farming at Flexpool using Flexfarmer, you will have to change farmer software to switch. Which software to use depends on the type of plots you are currently farming:
- For Gigahorse-compressed plots, switch to the Gigahorse CLI farmer.
- For uncompressed plots, switch to the official Chia farmer.
If you want to continue farming without running your own full-node, you can use our SpaceFarmers Community Node.
Step-by-step Guide
Here are step by step instructions for migrating from farming Gigahorse-compressed plots with Flexfarmer on Flexpool to farming the same plots with the Gigahorse farmer and the Community Node on SpaceFarmers.
If you use the Community Node, neither wallet nor farmer require a local full node or a local synced blockchain database. But you can also just use the community node for initial migration until you have fully synced your own local node.
Finally, note that the following instructions assume Linux. If you are using Windows, use .\chia.exe
instead of ./chia.bin
, and use %USERPROFILE%\.chia
instead of ~/.chia
in paths.
- Download and extract the Gigahorse farmer.
- Open a command line and change into the directory you extracted the farmer to.
- Add your keys via your 24-word mnemonic:
./chia.bin keys add
- Start the farmer and wallet, and let the wallet sync:
./chia.bin start farmer-only wallet
. Check wallet sync state with./chia.bin wallet show
. - Once the wallet's synced, switch pools:
- Run
./chia.bin plotnft show
to get plotnft wallet id. - Then run
./chia.bin plotnft join -i <wallet_id> -u
to switch. - After you confirm the switch, the program will tell you a
chia wallet get_transaction
command you can use to watch the transaction for switching pools. Run that multiple times, until you seeStatus: Confirmed
. - After the transaction was confirmed, run
./chia.bin plotnft show
again, and observe that the plotnft you are switching is now inCurrent state: LEAVING_POOL
. - The switch will take ~20 minutes to complete. Once switching successfully completed,
./chia.bin plotnft show
will showCurrent state: FARMING_TO_POOL
andCurrent pool URL:
. - Only proceed once your plotnft is switched, as the community node won't accept connections from farmers not on our pool.
- Once your plotnft is switched, stop the farmer:
./chia.bin stop farmer-only
. - Change
to use our Gigahorse community node. Search for the following section:farmer: full_node_peer: host: localhost port: 8444
and change it to:
farmer: full_node_peer: host: port: 8445
- Tell the harvester where to find your plots:
./chia.bin plots add -d /path/to/plots
- Start farmer and harvester to actually farm plots:
./chia.bin start farmer-only harvester
. NB: If you have a large amount of plots, the Gigaghorse harvester will initially take a while to read all plots. - Run
./chia.bin plotnft show
again to get your plotnft's launcher id. With that, run./chia.bin plotnft get_login_link -l <launcher_id>
to get a URL to log into our Web Dashboard. - Watch
for errors and/or farming activity. Watch the “partials” tab for your farmer in our dashboard for successful partial submission. It typically takes 3-20 minutes once the plotnft is switched and the farmer & harvester are running for the first partial to show up. - Welcome to pooling at!
- Optional: stop the wallet again, as you don't need it running to farm:
./chia.bin stop wallet
. For pooling, the wallet is only necessary to switch your plotnft and sync the pool config.
If you farm with a remote node like the community node, be aware that ./chia.bin farm summary
will always output a few error messages like “Connection error. Check if full node rpc is running” or “Farming status: Not available”. This is normal for farming with a remote node and nothing to worry about.