V1.2 Release Log (2021/09/20)
- Updated Chia node to V1.2.7
- Chia GUI / CLI shows correct amount of points, PROP system removed
- Rebuild block claim process to prevent fake blocks
- Blocks show claimed and received height (only works for new blocks)
- Farmer page dynamically loads tabs instead of all at once
- Farmer page tabs are reloaded when clicking on the tab
- Farmer page URL includes the tab opened, so it's easier to open / share / bookmark a specific tab
- Farmer page > Partials tab shows additional information
- Farmer page > Partials tab includes a filter to only show invalid partials
- Farmer page > Plots tab has been added, this tab includes harvesters and plots (sortable) tables
- Farmer page > Payouts tab now shows block rewards in balance table
- Farmer page > Settings tab: Added a fixed difficulty calculator which allows farmers to set a fixed difficulty
- Farmer page > Settings tab: Added TripleM999's calculator (less difficulty swings)
- Farmer page > Settings tab: Difficulty settings can be changed once an hour
- Added https://xchscan.com/chia-pools API, listing soon
- Added farmer name and 24 TiB to farmer API endpoint
poolinfo/releaselogs/1.2.txt · Last modified: 2021/09/21 17:33 by spacefarmer01